dimarts, 24 de gener del 2012
New year's resolutions
In this new year my mane resolution is work hard at school to get my best results that i've ever had. I think that is my mane objective because if I pass my last year of ESO i will get a lot more possibilities for the next year. I have got minor resolutions i will try to quit smoking even that i will need a lot of help from my friends because i've tried lots of times and it's very difficult, but I think that in the end i will be able to. Another minor objective is to get a job in the summer to get some money so I don't ask my parents everyday for money and to know what is to have a job and to get acostumed for the real world. If I can i'm going to try to party us much as possible because know that I am just in secondary school it's easyier to go out and have fun than when you are in university because then I will have to centre my self to studying. I think that if I do all of these resolutions or objectives these year will be fun and i will be very proud of my self.
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